Monday, November 19, 2007


To-day is really a Monday day. The fog has cleared a little, but it's still pretty cold; (I've found in the past that up my hill can be 9 or so degrees colder than in Bangor), at least we didn't have snow. In a way I'm quite envious of you who are at work, once one got to work, though that wasn't necessarily easy, what the weather was doing outside didn't really matter. On a day like this one doesn't really want to go out, but my dog does want to, so I'll have to brace myself, I need to take the rubbish to the tip anyway.
I am told that there is a rubbish collection here on Tuesdays, but in thirty years I've never seen a collection lorry/van, I do wonder if it does really exist. In my case I would have to take my rubbish down to the road anyway so why not take it all the way to Denbigh? But I never mention at the tip that I actually live in Conway, I'd have to take it to Mochdre if I did! I couldn't really claim that my rubbish came from my Denbighshire field, there isn't a house there.
It does, from time to time, cause problems that I have a field in Denbighshire and the address is Denbigh, but the rest, including the house, is in Conway. The Conway/Denbigh border is a tiny stream arising on my land all of a couple of inches wide.

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