Sunday, November 11, 2007


Spent all morning on an idea for the portfolio. A leaflet about my early life - I'll have to leave it to stew for a bit and see if will really fit in.
Alison, I can open alifrog but not kermitfrog, I can't see why you can't get in to it. Hope you read this, kermitfrog doesn't seem to be available and if I leave a message on alifrog you won't be able to see it anyway.
I think we're just fortunate, we've been with the same dental practice for 30 years, I'm a hybrid, NHS for most things and the odd Private if it's purely cosmetic!

1 comment:

Phil Thomas said...


I reckon we're the champion bloggers out of the group. Hurrah for us!
Brenda - I think the Bangor account gets you access to the internet, nothing more. When she's on the internet she'll then need to set up an email account with Google (ie When she's done that she should be able to set up a blogger account, using her Google email address and any password she chooses.
I think.