Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

I've been listening to the Nine Lessons and Carols. Now isn't that a strange thing for an atheist to do? But I have a fondness for that service, you see, when I was twelve, I was chosen to read the first lesson; the service was held in St Mary's church in Warwick, which is a pretty big church, it was the pro-cathedral for Coventry until that cathedral was re-built. I don't remember being nervous, but I had been well drilled anyway. However, there was one unplanned result, apparently it was all rather eerie, why? I was small for my age, as a matter of fact so small that no one could see me behind the large brass eagles of the lectern, so the whole reading came from a disembodied voice. Fortunately I didn't know it at the time, or it might well have put me off. Of course in those days there were no microphones so no doubt I was chosen because I had the loudest voice!
I wish they'd stick with the traditional service though, I hate all the trendy bits they put in.

1 comment:

Smalley said...

Good to know someone's carrying on over Christmas! I'm only here because we've been helping my grandson track Santa's progress across the world! We've now persuaded him that Santa can see HIS progress too, so he's scuttled off to bed pronto.

Merry Christmas!