Monday, December 17, 2007


It's now almost mid-day, and I've spent (wasted) all morning fiddling around with photos for one of my pieces for my portfolio. It has pictures of four authors, and I suddenly thought I really should acknowledge their source in my bibliography. Of the four I could only remember where I had found two of them, so those two were easy, but - they were colour while the other three were black and white. So I decided it would be better to have them all in monotone. That was easy enough, I quickly found suitable photos and went through the copying, cutting and pasting into the article. The other three I couldn't remember which bit of the web I'd got them from so I spent another while searching for them again. I did find them all in the end, but I also found other photos I preferred so - copying, cutting and pasting again. Then up dating the Bibliography.
I don't know how you who are working manage, well I do, I would just have had to be more efficient than I am now! I think I was when I was working, and of course when it was for work, I always had a secretary to do the leg work for me, though I often did it myself, it took as long to explain what I wanted as to do it anyway.

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